
Additional FAQs Released by CFPB on Section 1071

Today, the CFPB released additional, more extensive Frequently Asked Questions on Section 1071, Small Business Data Collection and Reporting requirements. The expanded list of questions extends beyond the Institutional Coverage and Small Business/Credit transactions they released in June of this year, to include guidance on Firewall and Record Retention. In addition to the new sections, the CFPB also added additional questions and more details to the prior sections of the FAQ. It is important to […]

10 Things Every CEO Should Know About CRA Modernization

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) is undergoing significant changes and the final interagency ruling on CRA Modernization is expected to come down sooner rather than later. As CEO, understanding these changes and their implications is crucial for your bank’s compliance success.  The Community Reinvestment Act has long played a vital role in promoting community development and fair lending, and the new regulations will reshape how your institution approaches its community commitments. Here are ten  things […]

8 Steps to Prepare Your Frontline Staff for Section 1071

The frontline staff at financial institutions are often referred to as “the face” of the organization. They interact most with clients and are largely responsible for fostering positive relationships with your customers.  But as a compliance professional, you’re well aware of the impact frontline staff can have on your institution’s ability to pass regulatory muster. Your institution/compliance department has likely already begun taking steps to prepare for the new Small Business Data Collection requirements of […]

TBA Files Suit to Block Section 1071

Last week, the Texas Bankers Association filed a suit to block the CFPB’s implementation of Section 1071’s final rule. The lawsuit was joined by TBA member, Rio Bank out of McAllen Texas. As you know, Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act requires the collection and submission of data relating to credit applications by women-owned, minority-owned, and small businesses. TBA President and CEO Chris Furlow said, “CFPB has taken 3 pages of legislation requiring 13 data […]


The federal bank regulatory agencies are announcing the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s (FFIEC) revised “A Guide to HMDA Reporting: Getting It Right!” (2023 guide). The 2023 guide provides resources to help banks1 comply with the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) and Regulation C, its implementing regulation (12 CFR 1003). The 2023 guide reflects a technical amendment to the 2020 HMDA rule to adjust the loan volume thresholds effective January 1, 2023,2 for reporting HMDA data on […]