Fair Lending 101 – Corrective Action and Oversight (Part 4)

December 12, 2022



Register by October 21st and take advantage of our Early Bird Pricing!

All registrations to Compliance Resource webinars include five live connections AND the recording of the webinar (guaranteed for one year).

Fair Lending 101 – Corrective Action and Oversight (Part 4) has been submitted to ABA Professional Certifications for CE credit review and is pending approval. Once we receive notification of the credit approval, we will notify attendees.

This is a part 4 of a four part webinar series taking part on the following dates:

This is a bundle of a four part webinar series taking part on the following dates:

Part 1 – Recording (Fair Lending Compliance Program)

Part 2 – Recording (Foundation of a Fair Lending Program)

Part 3 – Recording (First, Second and Third Lines)

Part 4 – December 12th – 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET (Corrective Action and Oversight)

You can purchase a discounted bundle of all four parts HERE

Part 4 – December 12th – 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET (Corrective Action and Oversight)

Ensure your program works for today and tomorrow.

This session will focus on the importance of corrective action. Who owns the corrective action, timelines, record keeping and reporting.  We will then focus on how to take challenges and issues and use them to enhance and grow your program.

We will focus on:

  • Taking appropriate corrective action or other steps to mitigate risk
  • Enhancing the Risk Assessment
  • Creating or updating policy and procedures
  • Using the findings to change how you train


Kimberly Boatwright

Jack Holzknecht

Webinar Icon
Price: $0.00
Start Time: 1:00 pm EST
End Time: 2:00 pm EST

December 12, 2022

Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.