The ABA Regulatory Compliance Conference (RCC) got off to big start over the weekend. The Hyatt Regency in New Orleans is packed with conference attendees. It is always good to run into friends, clients and new acquaintances in the hallways.
The RCC consists of 82 sessions, with many repeats. There are always a few session titles that are eye catching. A long line of regulators, consultants and attorneys were spotted trolling for business outside a session titled “Oops We Screwed Up!”
The most interesting session title award goes to “Dude Where’s My Bank? Banking and the Marijuana Industry.”  Times are definitely changing.
The most thought provoking title award goes to “Defining the Canary in a Coal Mine.” The old concept of placing a canary in a coal mine as an early warning system of bad air is intriguing imagery. A number of compliance industry canaries are attending the RCC.
A perennial favorite title is “What to Tell Your CEO When You Return Home.” Those who spent much time on Bourbon Street may want to adhere to “What happens in New Orleans Stays in New Orleans.”