Third-Party Risk Management: Old Concepts, New Guidance for Community Banks Webinar Recording




Did you do a double-take when you saw the OCC, FDIC and Fed release their latest TPRM guidance for Community Banks? If you scratched your head and wondered, “What’s new here? How is this different from the 2023 guidance? Or the 2013?? Or the 2009??!” then Compliance Resource is here to help you sort things out.

You may already have strolled through these May 2024 updates, and still be curious about what action steps you need to take. After 90 minutes with this on-demand session, you’ll be prepared to:

  • Identify the differences between previous and current guidance;
  • Evaluate any gaps between regulator expectations and your current program’s performance;
  • Educate your employees, executives and directors on regulatory expectations; and
  • Review common TPRM case studies to effectively navigate compliance requirements

You will leave the on-demand session with a deeper understanding of why regulators so frequently update their advice on these matters, and how your program can adapt quickly to these changing demands.

The slides and recording access document will be available for download immediately via email upon purchase.