Exam Management Webinar Recording



The slides and recording access document will be available for download immediately via email upon purchase.

Managing a compliance exam is a nerve-wracking experience, no matter the size of your institution or your supervisory agency.  Examiners are coming to evaluate your compliance performance, and preparing for their arrival (and how to deal with them on-site) is no small feat.

The fact is, you should *always* be preparing for your next exam. In this session, we’ll discuss how to adopt an exam-preparedness mindset so you can meet examiner expectations and be able to accommodate the next “hot issue” your supervisory agency is looking at.

Rebekah Leonard is the current Director of Compliance for a $6 Billion bank that recently went through an FDIC Compliance Exam.  In her words, “It was incredibly intense!” This was Rebekah’s 7th compliance exam, so she has the experience and wisdom to share in how to make an exam the best it can be.

In this on-demand session, she goes over the risk-based exam process, including:

  • The 4 Foundational Principles of the Interagency Rating System
  • The 3 Categories of a Compliance Management System
  •  The 4 considerations in determining violations and consumer harm
  • The 3 levels of violations; and
  • The 5-Level Rating Scale

This session also addresses the crucial importance of Third-Party relationship oversight for exams, what things are weighted more heavily in an exam, good exam management techniques, and recent lessons learned.