Category: Uncategorized
Our first blog article was published on June 22, 2010. We just completed the seventh year of Jack’s Blog. During that period we have written hundreds of articles. The headlines from June 2010 are still pertinent. Fair Lending – Is it still hot? (Conclusion – Yes, Fair Lending was hot seven years ago and is still hot today.) New Uniform Residential Mortgage Loan Application (NMSLR ID was added to form in 2010 and major revisions
In an opening day session of the 2017 Regulatory Compliance Conference (RCC), titled “Engaging in the Digital Marketing Age #BankBrand #AmICompliant? #Bank@SocialMedia”, a panel of four esteemed compliance professionals took on digital marketing. Early in the presentation it became clear that, although there are specific laws that must be adhered to and best practices that should be applied for managing risk in digital marketing, many potential issues are still emerging. Most financial institutions have had
Over 1,800 bankers, consultants and vendors have gathered for the annual Regulatory Compliance Conference (RCC) at the Dolphin Hotel at Disney World in Orlando for the event from June 11 – 14, 2017. This the largest gathering of compliance professionals in the nation. The RCC literally has more sessions than an individual can possibly attend. Interesting session titles include: Are You in Alignment? Fortifying Your Compliance Management Ecosystem for Success Through the Three Lines of
On June 8, 2017, the Financial CHOICE Act of 2017 (H.R. 10 – 115th Congress) passed the house with a 233-186 vote adhering to party lines (233 of voting 234 Republicans voted for the bill while all 185 voting Democrats voted against the bill). H.R. 10 was introduced to Congress on April 26, 2017, sponsored by Representative and Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee Jeb Hensarling (R-TX). If the bill becomes law it would
Category: Fair Housing
The on-going saga of cities suing banks for Fair Housing damages continues. This time there is a significant victory for the banks. On May 26, 2017 in two separate decisions the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed district court rulings that struck a blow to City of Los Angeles suits claiming Wells Fargo and Bank of America violated the Fair Housing Act by discriminating against Latino and black borrowers. Citing the Supreme
Why we blog . . .
The ever-changing laws, regulations, proposals, deadlines, and guidance are a lot for anyone to manage and keep up with so let us do the work for you. Our blog is designed to help compliance professionals by releasing updates as soon as the news breaks. Our Compliance Resource team is researching, following, and monitoring government agencies and regulators to give you all the latest and greatest compliance news. Our goal is to work harder so you don’t have to.