With over 50 unique session topics, attendees of the ABA’s Regulatory Compliance Conference have had the opportunity to hear about emerging compliance issues and changes from leaders in the industry over the past few days.
Our Compliance Masters Group members in attendance reported that sessions on the following topics were some of the most popular:
• TILA/RESPA Integrated Disclosure rules;
• Military Lending Act;
• Community Reinvestment Act; and
• Fair Lending
And CMG members noted a few personal favorite sessions including:
Strategies for Preventing Elder Financial Abuse and Exploitation
• Military Lending Act: New Obligations and Compliance Risks
• Strengthening Your Fortress: Three Lines of Defense For Community Bankers

Learning some of the sessions that were popular among attendees and those that were favorites of our members gives insight into some of the issues compliance professionals are focusing their attention on and what information they found most valuable for their financial institutions.