Total TRID Training 4 Part Webinar Series


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Though TRID has been a part of the compliance landscape for nearly a decade, its complexity makes it one of the most commonly cited violations year after year. To achieve compliance with TRID’s string of guidelines, and numerous amendments throughout the years, you need more than a cursory overview.

This four-part on-demand series examines the intricacies of the TRID rules and highlights various tripwires to avoid at your institution. You’ll come away with a comprehensive understanding of TRID, the Loan Estimate (LE), and the Closing Disclosure (CD), and receive a detailed manual that can serve as a handbook long after you’ve completed the series.

Part 1

  • General Rules
    • Covered Transactions
    • Exempt Transactions
    • Predisclosure Activity
    • Early Disclosures
      • Loan Estimate
      • Shopping Disclosure
      • Toolkit
    • Tolerance
    • Good Faith
    • Revised Disclosures
      • LE
      • CD
    • Waiver of Waiting Period

Part 2 

  • Loan Estimate – Line-by-Line
    • General Information
    • Loan Terms
    • Projected Payments
    • Costs at Closing
    • Loan Costs
    • Other Costs
    • Calculating Cash to Close
    • Comparisons
    • Other Considerations
    • Air Table
    • AP Table
    • Confirm Receipt

Part 3

  • Closing Disclosure – Line-by-Line
    • General Information
    • Loan Terms
    • Projected Payments
    • Costs at Closing
    • Loan Costs
    • Other Costs
    • Calculating Cash to Close
    • Summaries of Transactions
    • Loan Disclosures
    • Loan Calculations
    • Other Disclosures
    • Contact Information
    • Air Table
    • AP Table
    • Confirm Receipt

Part 4

  • TRID for Construction Loans
    • Scope
    • Timing
    • Appendix D
    • General Information
    • Loan Terms
    • Projected Payments
    • Loan and Other Costs
    • Calculating Cash to Close
    • Summaries of Transactions
    • Loan Disclosures
    • Air Table
    • AP Table
    • Loan Calculations
    • Other Disclosures
    • Contact Information
    • Confirm Receipt


The program is designed for loan officers, compliance officers, loan support staff, marketing staff, auditors, and any others with responsibilities related to the TRID rules.


The Truth in Lending/Real Estate Settlement Procedures Integrated Disclosures (TRID) requirements are a string of guidelines dictating what information lenders need to share with borrowers and when they must provide it. TRID rules also regulate what fees lenders can charge and how these fees can change as the mortgage matures.

The TRID rules were originally published in 2013 and were effective in October 2015. Final TRID 2.0 rules were published in July 2017, and were effective on October 1, 2018. The next version of the TRID rules are in development right now.