Beyond Overdraft: Compliance Risks of Banking Fees Webinar Recording



Are you concerned about the increasing regulator focus on fees of all kinds? You’re not alone.

Many bankers have responded by taking a fresh look at their fee income from a compliance as well as a financial perspective. If it has been a while since you’ve done a comprehensive review of all of your fees, it may be a good time to add this to your already-long “to do” list.

When you view this on-demand session, you’ll come away ready to:

  • Understand the dozens of regulatory changes addressing overdraft programs as well as other fees on your bank’s fee schedule
  • Find and interpret regulator and industry data concerning permissible (and prohibited) fees
  • Evaluate your own bank’s fee programs while considering both compliance and financial impacts
  • Share your results and findings with management and your board to support data-driven compliance decisions about fees

You’ll leave armed with techniques for simplifying your research, presenting your findings, and building solid monitoring and testing approaches to validate your fees (before the regulators do!).

* Please note that the recording links will be delivered to you via a downloadable PDF in your confirmation e-mail.  The PowerPoint that corresponds with the recording will be automatically delivered upon purchasing via email from the website.