Overcoming the Challenges of Regulation CC Webinar Recording


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Does Reg CC make your head hurt?  You are not alone.  No doubt it gives tellers and operations staff a headache, and for good reason. Even though it has been around a long time, it remains one of the top regs that bankers just can’t get right.

When can a hold be placed?
What kind of hold can be placed?
How long can the hold last?

These are important pieces to understand well, because errors can lead to consumer harm, bringing reputational damage and examiner criticism.

Plus, there is much more to Reg CC than holds.  It also mandates disclosures and dictates rules for ATM deposits, mobile deposits, electronic check collection and substitute checks under “Check 21”.  These topics are crucial to get right as well – mishandling mobile deposits and making them available more quickly than necessary can open your institution up to unnecessary risk.

This two-hour on-demand session addresses Regulation CC in clear, easily digestible way so you’re able to avoid consumer harm, criticism from examiners, and unnecessary risk. You’ll come away with a thorough understanding of:

  • Subpart A:
    • Definitions of everything from (a) to (hhh)
  • Subpart B:
    • Next-day availability
    • Availability schedule
    • Case-by-case holds
    • Exception holds
    • New Account holds
    • Disclosure requirements: what, when, where, and how
  • Subpart C:
    • Collection of checks
    • Electronic checks
    • Mobile deposits
    • Responsibilities of paying and returning banks
  • Subpart D:
    • Substitute checks
    • Disclosure requirements under Check 21
  • Appendices
    • What is irrelevant and what matters


The session is designed for compliance officers, operations officers, teller department managers, tellers, back-room operations staff, and auditors.


* Please note that the recording links will be delivered to you via a downloadable PDF in your confirmation e-mail.  The PowerPoint that corresponds with the recording will be automatically delivered upon purchasing via email from the website.