AML/CFT/BSA Training for your Retail Staff

March 19, 2025



Retail AML/CFT Training can often be met with resistance and conflicting priorities. Compliance may be viewed as a barrier to account opening, sales goals, and other responsibilities that retail staff has. A well-developed training program can help bridge the gap between perception and reality and aid the AML/CFT Officer in building trust and encouraging suspicious activity referrals.

Part of obtaining buy-in from staff is understanding what their responsibilities and priorities are in addition to BSA Compliance and presenting material in a way that explains the “why” of what we do rather than just the “what” and the “how.” Demonstrating that the questions we ask for compliance may have multiple uses, including increasing cross-selling and sales opportunities may help keep the attention and interest of your audience.

In this session, we will discuss training strategies for retail and include a sample presentation that you can use to aid in your training program.

Key takeaways:

  • Identify barriers to retail participation and attentiveness to training
  • Discuss methods of communication to make AML/CFT relevant to issues that impact retail
  • Identify red flags of suspicious activity for retail transactions
  • Identify SAR filing requirements for application fraud, identity theft, and other misrepresentations
  • Discuss CTR aggregation rules and key CTR data fields


Reminder: Your registration includes a playback of the session, which is available after the session concludes. 

This session is eligible for Continuing Education (CE) credits by the American Bankers Association. 



Brian Crow, CAMS

Brian Crow is managing partner and co-president for TCA Compliance and is a nationally recognized BSA/AML expert with a strong bank compliance management background and a welcome ability to provide focused educational support to TCA client banks. Crow most recently was BSA Administrator for a suburban Chicago bank, where his responsibilities included the bank’s annual assessment and audit documentation. Earlier, as Operations Officer at the same bank, Crow monitored AML activity and helped install automated AML software that allowed the bank to transition from paper to electronic CTRs. His activities were responsible for reducing debit card fraud by 95 percent at the bank. Mr. Crow has been, and continues to be, an education consultant for the Glia Group BOL Learning Connect program. It was in this role that Crow was recognized as a Bankers Online Guru in 2011. Like many of us, Mr. Crow began his banking career as a teller, working his way up to branch management responsibilities. He earned a B.A. degree from Concordia University, River Forest Illinois.

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Price: $0.00
Start Time: 2:00 pm EDT
End Time: 4:00 pm EDT

March 19, 2025

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