Overdraft services will continue to be a target for regulatory scrutiny in 2023 and financial institutions who’ve been cited can attest to the damage unchecked fee income practices can have on an organization. This livestreaming, 90-minute webinar provides an evaluative look into overdraft programs and the risks associated. When you join us March 15th, you’ll come away with actionable best practices to avoid common pitfalls, potential fines, and reputational risks.
Fee income practices related to overdraft programs have been making headlines for months, and in some cases, years. When overlooked or inadequately managed, overdraft programs can leave your institution open to huge risks. Both federal and state regulators are paying particular attention to this issue and if your institution has not looked closely into to its overdraft and insufficient funds practices, now is the time to.
- Get a better understanding of the risks associated with overdraft programs.
- Learn the most common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
- Gain actionable best practices for your institution’s overdraft program.
- Understand UDAAP “traps” and which practices are most likely to be considered deceptive, unfair, or abusive.
- Find out how to avoid being cited by your regulator and Civil Money Penalties.
- Weigh the compliance and reputational risks associated with fee income against the revenue it may produce for your institution.
- Explore regulator input from the CFPB, NCUA, OCC, and FDIC.
- Examine recent enforcement actions related to overdraft programs and discuss where other institutions have gone wrong.
This program was designed for those working in compliance, risk, and vendor management.
Register by February 3rd and take advantage of our Early Bird Pricing!
All webinar registrations include a recording of the session that can be reviewed as needed.
Overdraft Programs and Their Risk to Your Financial Institution has been submitted to ABA Professional Certifications for CE credit review and is pending approval. Once we receive notification of the credit approval, we will notify attendees.
Kimberly Boatwright
Kimberly Boatwright is EVP and Director of Risk and Compliance at Compliance Resource, LLC and has more than a two decades of experience working in the financial services industry. Ms. Boatwright is a well-regarded financial industry risk and compliance professional with a strong background in program development and implementation. She is a thought leader who specializes in Fair Lending, Anti-Money Laundering, OFAC and consumer compliance. During her career she has worked for and consulted with all types of financial institutions helping to establish and evolve compliance and risk programs. She is a frequent public speaker, trainer, and author on compliance and risk management topics. Kimberly is a Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager and a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist.
March 15, 2023