HMDA- Owner Occupancy

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  • #10301

    I have a commercial purpose loan in which proceeds were used to improve an apartment/rental behind the consumer’s principal residence. Both the principal residence and apartment was taken as collateral, as they are on the same property, and have the same address. Should I be reporting owner-occupancy as ‘not owner-occupied’ since our purpose is home improvement to the apartment that is taken, and that is not occupied as the owner’s principal dwelling?


    I agree that you would report it as not owner occupied since the property to which the loan is related is rental property, even though the loan is also secured by the principal dwelling.

    I’ve also asked Jack to weigh in with his opinion.


    response by Jholzknecht:
    For a home improvement loan the property being improved is reported. All details on the LAR, including the occupancy status, relate to that property.

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